Saturday, March 15, 2025

Thursday, April 15, 2010

so not A-MUSE-ing...


SO today my friend Jenna texted me, and I just happened to be eating lunch on the roof of my school.
the text said:

"my mom and stepdad just saw muse on 58th street".

So me being the crazy psycho that I am, I ran down 8 flights of stairs and hopped on the train to where they were.
I got blisters, missed class, and sprained my ankle in the process. I walked around for an hour. Didn't see them.

HOWEVER- I did see TONS of paparazzi waiting outside the Mandarin Hotel so I asked them who was there and of course they said "We don't know, we are just waiting for whoever comes out".

So I walked up and and down the street for 45 minutes looked at every person that passed me..

Finally I gave up. I had a blister on my foot by now fro sweating in the heat. I bought bandaids and some pinkberry and was all set to go home when I looked up and saw 3 men getting into a black escalade. Carrying instruments. Was it them? I have no idea. I was about a half a block away.

All I know is I yelled "I LOVE MUSE" and people looked at me..
AHAH! lie, no they didn't c'mon this is NYC!

I failed at stalking Muse.
The day will come.
We will meet.

Our fate is inevitable.

I mean I HAVE only been a fan for 12 years and seen them 6 times live. It's not big deal, right?
They only inspire me and change my life through their beautiful music..

A girl can dream..

Peace, Love & Happiness,

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

walking over past footprints, with my own.


(photograph courtesy of Elizabeth Ashley. Taken in Key West, Florida March 2010).

So recently, when I walk , I have been doing this off the wall thing where I look down at my feet as I walk, and then I wonder of all the people, animals and objects that passed through the place that I am in that moment.

I do not know why I do it, but I have been very inquisitive lately. I suppose it could be because I have been reading a lot of literature surrounding the Elizabethan Era. I am obsessed with human history. How did we get where we are today? How were humans able to face to the hardships they were slapped with? Without technology, certani sciences, maths, transportation etc humans from the past were able to successfully make it through the years.

As I walk down the busy New York streets I think of all the people that walked the same pavements as I have. The seven year boy minors back in the 20s who would work 22 hours a day to their deaths. The financial wall street men who sit behind their desks all day, the nannies, the maids, the seamstresses, the deliver men, the starving artists like myself. Mothers, daughters, sisters, fathers, husbands. Homeless, immigrants etc. So many feet have pressed there shoes down onto the same pavements as I have. Each living a different life. Where do their footprints take them?

I wish I could see into the past to view the way life was lived before my time. To smell the smells, see the way people carried themselves. Where they in as a rush as people are today?

What was it like to smell the city air?Was the street filled with trash here and there?
The city streets clearly were less crammed, minus the taxi cabs. New York City is ALIVE.
Everywhere you turn there is life.
In the people;buildings;signs;sounds;underneath your feet;the animals roaming...

As I walk each day I think of all the different people who have walked in my footsteps that I will never meet.. People all getting to where they need to be.

Every one takes a step closer to their destination.
I am still taking steps, but every day I take a giant leap closer to where I will be.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Come Alive.

So I have made several blogs on several different blog sites and 2 weeks after I launch each one I lose interest and delete the account. Perhaps it's because I feel that getting things out of my head and into the minds of you all is of not worth. Or perhaps I just feel like it is useless to write.

Useless to write?! When I was younger I kept dozens of journals! I always feel free when I am ablt to get things out of my head; it clears the clutter up there.

This blog will not include personal gossip, or anything like this:
"lyke zomg my bff jill tots just fought with me!?!? wtfff!?!? OMG I h8 my life!"

Nope, none of that here.

So here I will take you through my growth as a photographer, and I will share the feelings I felt as I took the photo, the reason why I took the photo, and the techniques (if any) I used.

A picture does speak a thousand words, but for me, the photo also holds life in it prior to the 'snap', and after. I am determined to capture the photographs birth and permanence after it is taken.

So come on, let's get our smiles on.

Peace, Love & Happiness.



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