Saturday, March 15, 2025

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Come Alive.

So I have made several blogs on several different blog sites and 2 weeks after I launch each one I lose interest and delete the account. Perhaps it's because I feel that getting things out of my head and into the minds of you all is of not worth. Or perhaps I just feel like it is useless to write.

Useless to write?! When I was younger I kept dozens of journals! I always feel free when I am ablt to get things out of my head; it clears the clutter up there.

This blog will not include personal gossip, or anything like this:
"lyke zomg my bff jill tots just fought with me!?!? wtfff!?!? OMG I h8 my life!"

Nope, none of that here.

So here I will take you through my growth as a photographer, and I will share the feelings I felt as I took the photo, the reason why I took the photo, and the techniques (if any) I used.

A picture does speak a thousand words, but for me, the photo also holds life in it prior to the 'snap', and after. I am determined to capture the photographs birth and permanence after it is taken.

So come on, let's get our smiles on.

Peace, Love & Happiness.


dare2bxabigail on April 7, 2010 at 4:18 PM said...

can't wait! you are such an inspiration, i hope you know how much you've inspired people, especially me!! :]

lizzy ashley on April 7, 2010 at 6:21 PM said...

thank you for this, it made me smile before bed. I try my best to think of how I inspire others, and then that inspires me more! Smile and have a great day/evening wherever you are!

Elizabeth X

Unknown on April 8, 2010 at 12:59 PM said...

Yay!! Congrats for your new blog I already bookmarked it! I'm also a subscriber of your channel and I have to say your videos are amazing, your always make me smile and I really appreciate it! I hope to see a lot of posts. Greetings from Spain =).

RalphMariedeLargo on April 16, 2010 at 4:12 PM said...

It's natural Lizzie, i start a journal with commitment and enthusiasm and then i misplace my book? I like photography too. I especially like the technology of it all. These ain't your daddy's cameras they are optical computers.

RalphMariedeLargo on April 16, 2010 at 4:20 PM said...

Okay, so i use a Canon D30 with an EFS 17-85mm f/4 to 5.6 IS USM. I keep a clear glass filter over my lenses so if i get a scratch it will be on my replaceable filter... not my lenses. Hey, this site is about Lizzie's pilgrimage in photography but us subscribers can put our pix on flickr and critic each other if we want.

RalphMariedeLargo on April 18, 2010 at 3:37 AM said...

Lizzie, come alive... gerl...i just walked into a two-thousand Parishioners Church gathering with Bishop Robert celebrating the three hour Mass Liturgy sanctifying our new Saint Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church, Saint Petersburg Diocese florida and i snapped seven-hundred pixz but i looked them over i could only use about ten...

RalphMariedeLargo on April 18, 2010 at 7:00 PM said...

Lizzie... i am so excited... (not that way)... i just started my blog on this site called... are U ready... put your book down... lizzyashleyphotographyMyMuse... Awesome... for U are my fotography Muse. Now, i don't have to give short comment here for i can proselytize there... I'm a fricken' jenius.

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