SO today my friend Jenna texted me, and I just happened to be eating lunch on the roof of my school.
the text said:
"my mom and stepdad just saw muse on 58th street".
So me being the crazy psycho that I am, I ran down 8 flights of stairs and hopped on the train to where they were.
I got blisters, missed class, and sprained my ankle in the process. I walked around for an hour. Didn't see them.
HOWEVER- I did see TONS of paparazzi waiting outside the Mandarin Hotel so I asked them who was there and of course they said "We don't know, we are just waiting for whoever comes out".
So I walked up and and down the street for 45 minutes looked at every person that passed me..
Finally I gave up. I had a blister on my foot by now fro sweating in the heat. I bought bandaids and some pinkberry and was all set to go home when I looked up and saw 3 men getting into a black escalade. Carrying instruments. Was it them? I have no idea. I was about a half a block away.
All I know is I yelled "I LOVE MUSE" and people looked at me..
AHAH! lie, no they didn't c'mon this is NYC!
I failed at stalking Muse.
The day will come.
We will meet.
Our fate is inevitable.
I mean I HAVE only been a fan for 12 years and seen them 6 times live. It's not big deal, right?
They only inspire me and change my life through their beautiful music..
A girl can dream..
Peace, Love & Happiness,
I went through this with LIGHTS, and Muse. Within two days.
i don't understand your comment Moody.
oh wait you mean that you tried to find them and failed.. :( it's ok, we tried <3
Too bad you didn't find them. =/ I have to ask though: What would you've done if you did run into them (Without a cloud of paparazzi around them)? =P
Lizzie, I am fascinated by the thinking of the mind especially the young. You identify yourself as a ‘Truth Seeker’ so this thought is appropriate.
Would you seek our Lord Jesus Christ with the same devotion and zeal as you seek this rock band?
Haha yeah, sorry :P
They were both here in Vancouver and I tried to go all around Vancouver to chase them down, couldn't find em :(
Got to see them live though, which was amazing
Mark Twain's quote makes him sound like a redemptive retard. Only embracing our Savior Jesus Christ can one not fear death.
lizzie, i watched your valentine vid... So like... um... er... ahh... I'm your valentine too...?
sincerely yours,
ralph marie de largo
Elizabeth, I am a Poet. I am a lost Poet without a Critique. I need a Critique to know the reality of my poems. I offer to pay you a monthly fee of cash in an envelope mailed to your Post Office Box that I shall also pay for, and also all postage fees... if you read and give me written reviews of my poems, song parodies, and short stories. Also, unblock me on YouTube so I can send you confidential messages. I promise not to post public comments to your vidz. It is a Win-Win job offer. You need the cash. I need the critical analysis and assessment of my art. I make this job offer with all sincerity. Thank you ralph marie de largo. My email is rwinkowski@tampabay.rr.com or you can Message me on YouTube. Thanks again.
Elizabeth, I am a Poet. I am a lost Poet without a Critique. I need a Critique to know the reality of my poems. I offer to pay you a monthly fee of cash in an envelope mailed to your Post Office Box that I shall also pay for, and also all postage fees... if you read and give me written reviews of my poems, song parodies, and short stories. Also, unblock me on YouTube so I can send you confidential messages. I promise not to post public comments to your vidz. It is a Win-Win job offer. You need the cash. I need the critical analysis and assessment to grow in my art. I make this job offer with all sincerity. Thank you ralph marie de largo. My email is rwinkowski@tampabay.rr.com or you can Message me on YouTube. Thanks again.
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